This is a 3-piece Out-Of-Home PSA (public service announcement) advertising campaign to bring awareness to littering issues in Chicago, IL. The goal is to have a complete message and campaign consistency. I wanted the tone of this campaign to have a humorous tone based on the tagline: “You’re Not Trash, Don’t Act Like It”. Each ad has a headline that corresponds to the image and a call-to-action of the Chicago Environmentalist web address. Inspiration for the banana, can, and cigarette design stems from a design studio called Pavlov Visuals - which is incorporated it in the classic swirl and dotted shadows of the objects. While the setting and the tone of the tagline was inspired by Toronto Anti-Littering Campaign.
Because this organization is on the smaller side, OOH formats chosen around Chicago that were more accessible and something the organization could afford, like outdoor/subway posters and a horizontal billboard. Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator were used.

Chicago Environmentalists began in June 2020 when its co-founder Katherine Tellock recognized that many Chicagoans had questions and concerns about things like composting, recycling, wildlife issues, litter, and other environmental concerns. The group is now an inclusive sustainability community, with a forum for discussing topics like zero waste living, recycling, composting, environmental justice, renewable energy, eco policy, local businesses, wildlife conservation, environmental news, events, and more. As of January 2023, the combined total membership of these groups was about 7,000 and growing.